For all of us business owners here in New Zealand, we have woke up on December 3rd 2021 and headed into the new Traffic Light System. Let's be honest, it is a subject that everyone is avoiding bringing up in conversations or just not sure how to even approach it. There is a high level of anxiety out there right now and I want you to know that you are not alone in feeling this.
So how can we help YOU navigate the Traffic Light System in your event business?
Level changes, compliance and regulations will look slightly different to everyone. I wish there was a simple answer to share but as we pivot into this time, we are all feeling the stress. We are sharing a few tips to help you navigate through this changing time.

Know the facts.
Firstly, it is important to know what the rules and regulations are. Being super clear will give you the best knowledge on how each level/traffic light colour looks like for you and your business. The most accurate and up to date information can be found on New Zealand's Business website and this is a great link to check out here.
Communication is key.
Communicating any changes, advice, simply an update or checking in is important when working with your customers. It lets them know you are there and that you care, it also adds a really nice touch of customer service. Let's face it, we all care about our customers and they are the financial driving force behind our businesses. Do not feel like you need to blast this from the social media rooftop, if you are in a position, personally reach out to your customers.
Have a plan.
Have a plan in place before a level change occurs. This sounds super easy in theory, but you have got this. Know what you can and can not do at each level, what your responsibilities are and what is required of your role. This will help you to take any additional anxiety out and that you can be confident in what you offer or can service.
Let me ask you - What does your business look like in level RED, ORANGE or GREEN?
What can your business offer?
Let's face it, change is hard for anyone.
If we learnt anything as business owners from February 2020 it was that we can adjust just about anything to suit a digital world. We also learnt that we need to be open to change and (dare I say it again) pivot our offering. Do the level changes mean you can create a more niche offering? Can you offer an additional service or do you simply need to pivot slightly? No one can answer this but, you know your business best.
Now is a time to lean on your fellow business owners and reach out if you need support. Change is hard for anyone but knows that we are all navigating this together, especially your customers and clients. If you need support or guidance, I encourage you to reach out to someone in your industry, please reach out to us here at the Wedding Training Hub.
Stay safe, safe creative and stay positive, we got this!
Lizzy Waterson - Founder and Wedding Planner x
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